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pointer gopher:// protocol


Posted: 04/02/2024, 12:14am


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the really old net, which was before the WWW, had gopher servers, but no html, no coding, just your files, there are some browsers that still support gopher, seamonkey, ncsa mosaic, and maybe netscape 9... there are also some people who are trying to revive the protocol, there are even some websites that can view gopher websites like this, and you can host a gopher server at

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Posted: 04/02/2024, 12:15am


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and sry for giving u an essay 4 u 2 read

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Posted: 04/03/2024, 03:05pm


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thats fantastic information. but a gopher server is a bit reduntant these days since we have FTP file sharing and all that jazz. sounds interesting though. too bad the links on the website you sent seem to be under HTTPS encryption even though the main page is http?? very odd but it wouldnt work for me. also youre supposed to write a lot on a forum thats the whole purpose. for deep and intense discussion about idk CHEESE?? i rather people write a lot than meaningless short messages el o el

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Posted: 04/03/2024, 06:19pm


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sorry, i never knew that it was also compatible with http, and seamonkey is compatible as well

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