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pointer stuff for finnisnotafish


Posted: 03/12/2024, 06:44pm


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i heard that mobile ignores your css file... use this js to redirect to some page for mobile... ()

IM,AIM,MSN(coming soon)



Posted: 03/12/2024, 06:45pm


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if (screen.width

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Posted: 03/12/2024, 06:45pm


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the js is stolen from a website so erm...

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Posted: 03/15/2024, 01:50pm


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greetings from windows xp. you see the thing is that would just basically redirect you to another page. that means id have to make new files for all the pages on my website just to use a different css file with them. no thank u. the mobile css is for older mobile devices only. you are not supposed to use my website on a modern phone. its optimized for old devices only!!!!!!!!!111!1!!! for example, the stylesheet works on my DSi hahah

IM,AIM,MSN(coming soon)



Posted: 03/16/2024, 12:51am


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oh, I also got some js files since you are about to start a web ring, but they are recommended for things like the latest version of chrome, so you might have to steal some codes that have the noscript tag on github or just push yourself

IM,AIM,MSN(coming soon)



Posted: 03/16/2024, 01:05am


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and I recommend a captcha for your guestbook and the signup form, it’s best to do it in js, since php has versions and makes great commands turn into crap

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Posted: 03/24/2024, 02:49pm


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"the js is stolen from a website so erm..." sorry you have no buisness giving me coding advice lol. a noscript tag is for alternate texts to be displayed if a browser doesnt support javascript!!! i can make whatever code i need myself thru a little brain power and googling and i can use php all i want. at the heart of coding languages is the same logic. php version also doesnt matter. if i wanted to copy and paste from the internet that badly id just have to edit the code a little if its in a different version of php. its called a bit of debugging. i mean do you think i just started learning how to website yesterday? im not saying im a genius but ive gone thru python and javascript classes and recently started learning c++ and ive been doing this php stuff for more than a year. you cant give advice on something you dont understand and have just started learning el o el. if u dont know what ur talking about its best to keep it to others to help me. (edited to be a little less annoyed sounding)

IM,AIM,MSN(coming soon)


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