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pointer servers


Posted: 03/01/2024, 04:54pm


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Join Date: Jan, 2024


posts: 27

what server do you use for this website finn?

IM,AIM,MSN(coming soon)



Posted: 03/01/2024, 08:12pm


level: 69

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Join Date: Apr, 2023


posts: 14

i go the path of least resistance. i host it myself. i knew i didnt wanna deal with finding one that would work on old computers. ur gonna have to do some digging. maybe you can try ucanet but im pretty sure youd have to enable a proxy to view it then if youre okay with that. other than that idk many cus i didnt even entertain using another websites hosting service to host it

IM,AIM,MSN(coming soon)


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